Everyday has a Moment.....

A moment is defined as a particular period of importance, influence, or significance. Our lives are made in the moments.
They change us, grow us, make us who we are, and they happen all the time. Welcome to our moments.....

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Crash caused by a: flying drink cup?

Today we were on a run. Quint and Russell packed in the jogging stroller. I always bring a lot of extras in case of a melt down. It can get rough if you are a mile or two from home and a melt down occurs.
Today, there were no meltdowns, but Quint nearly caused a crisis for others....
Quint asked for his juice cup just as we were about to cross an overpass. As we approached the bridge which crosses a fairly busy road I saw him look miliciously at his juice cup. Then he raised it up, and I stopped abruptly and grabbed it. I knew that look.
It was my instinct to stop him, but then i realized I just prevented a flying juice cup.
You always hear stories of kids throwing rocks off overpasses...well I could just see it. The juice cup flies off the bridge and hits a car, causing an accident! Maybe he would have missed, or it would have just landed in the road, but either way it could have been a mess.
I don't always catch it before the crisis, but this time I am very glad I did!
If you are driving under an overpass and you see a joggy stroller up above...be on the look out, a juice cup, paci, or snack cup could be coming!

too bumpy

We moved Quint's seat to the way back of the car because we had company coming. He loved it, but it was so funny when we were driving on a rough road he yelled from the back "too bumpy!" It took me a second but it made a lot of sense. Again, he alerted me "mommy its took bumpy!" Just like the back of the bus, the back of Lexi is much more bumpy:)
I think he is getting used to it...plus I think he feels special having the row to himself!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


It snowed today. It is hardly October. The good news is some older people told Krissy that if it snows early in October and then it warms up, it means it will be a warm winter. I guess when it snows this early, we have to hold on to whatever we can.
Even if it is a old wives tale, its something.