Everyday has a Moment.....

A moment is defined as a particular period of importance, influence, or significance. Our lives are made in the moments.
They change us, grow us, make us who we are, and they happen all the time. Welcome to our moments.....

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Shopping... will it ever be the same?

Today as I was carrying a very unhappy toddler and pushing an overloaded stroller I wondered, will I ever go to a mall and feel carefree again? Will I always be aware of what things are in toddler reach, or how close the bathroom is, or is there a way to avoid walking by the merry go round? Ahhh the idea of walking down the mall carefree, even better with a generous spending budget is a dream. But, I imagine, when I do get to that point I will miss having a toddler hanging from my leg.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Where's the milk?

My second moment: Two hours after we had made it in from the store...just thinking random thoughts it occurred to me...what about the milk? I am sure I bought milk, but I don't remember seeing it in the fridge...oh no....its in the truck! AHHH. I ran out to the garage...yep....I left the milk in the truck. Why couldn't it have been any other bag....the milk is like the worst thing to leave out. Three dollars fifteen cents down the drain...literally.

Who needs a shoe?

Quint's newest thing is to take off his shoes in the car. He gets bored, and he realized he can undue the velcro and take off his shoe. We just had returned from grocery shopping and Quint had unbuckled his shoe. It was still on so I just let him walk to the door. He was carrying the bananas (he likes to carry a bag) when he walked out of his shoe. It was sitting there in the middle of the driveway and Quint looked perplexed. Holding the bananas standing with one sock and one sneaker, just looking at his other sneaker. I reassured him, its ok, pick up your shoe and come on. He hobbled over picked up his shoe, meanwhile carrying the bananas and made his way to the door:) It was super cute.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Being a Dad is so cool

My moment today came from something BK said that was so fantastic. Sitting on the couch during nap time on Sunday BK said "I never thought being a Dad would be this cool". His comment made me so happy and caused me to pause. When you get married, you are in love, and excited to share your life together, but some things are unknown. BK loving fatherhood is a huge bonus! I knew he wanted children, but his genuine love of spending time with Quint and Russell is beyond what I ever expected. When BK said that: it was my moment.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

One walk, two falls, one band-aid

BK got home early from studying today. It was a treat so after nap time we took a family walk to the school playground. Quint loves to walk now but sometimes he gets too excited and falls. Twice on our walk he got running too fast and fell. We dusted him off, and he kept running. He was not going to let a few scraps keep him from playing! When we got home, BK played nurse and cleaned the knees and put on one band-aid. Quint loves band-aids his are Scooby Doo.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Russell's Laugh

Today the moment occurred when I took some time out to focus on Russell. I feel this gets lost sometimes in the busy life of mothering two. Quint was napping and Russell and I had some alone time. I just love his demeanor. He loves people and often will give you a big smile if you look at him. He also laughs a lot. He will giggle out loud when you play with him. Today we spent some great moments together, smiling, laughing and playing. 3 1/2 months and Russell is becoming so cool.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Don't cry over spilled milk

Today my moment occurred after dinner. I was making a bottle for Quint, and he pulled the gallon of milk off the counter on to the floor. They saying goes: don't cry over spilled milk...well I almost did. After a day of Quint testing me at every corner (including one phone call to poison control) I was about ready to be done. I just sat on the floor, feeling defeated, looking at the milk. I realized Quint felt bad about what he had done. I tried my best to put on my "its going to be ok" face and complete the bedtime routine. I know he did not intend to spill the milk. I just left the milk on the floor. BK came home just after I had got Quint to bed and he said "did you know you left the milk out?" I could have screamed.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I'll take your cart.

Today's moment was a perfect example of the kindness of the midwestern people. I was loading the boys in the car after a trip to Walmart. I had loaded the groceries, and was pulling Quint out of the cart, when a woman approached me and offered to take my cart back. She was parked next to me and had just finished loading her things and saw my hands were full. She said "I can take your cart back? I responded "are you sure?" She simply said "yes, no problem, you just take care of your boys". I took a moment for her kindness to sink in. Then I thought....I hope I am that kind to others.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What will God ask me?

Rebecca called and we were chatting...just the normal stuff and she told me this fantastic quote that made me go...Oh Gees! I feel I need to share it "I used to worry about why God would allow such suffering, poverty, famine, and injustice when there was something He could do about it. Now I worry that He will one day ask me the same question..." It took a moment to sink in....then I felt like "oh crap" that is convicting.

Monday, September 22, 2008

A joy...really...me?

My moment today: BK came home from school around 7 pm...the house looks like a tornado hit it (which is a possibility now that we live in Iowa)...but it wasn't a natural disaster more like a Quint:) I was not looking much better, the day had got the better of me and my shining accomplishment was the boys were alive and dinner was made. Despite how I perceived the situation, BK came right over, gave me a big kiss and said "you are such a joy to come home to". I felt like saying really...have you seen me lately...sweatpants...no make-up....hair up (but not in a cute way). He anticipated my comment and just repeated it. "its a joy to come home to you...I love to come home to Christy". Wow, that was a great moment. I may have disagreed with him, but I whole-heartedly believed him. I thought to myself...only God could make BK love me this much.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sometimes motherhood is not sexy

Today's moment: we went to watch the club men's team play and we had only watched a quarter when Russell had an explosive poo all over my leg. Walking out, we ran into some of the players and all I could think was...do they see the poo on my pant leg? Love the boys but sometimes motherhood is not very sexy.