Everyday has a Moment.....

A moment is defined as a particular period of importance, influence, or significance. Our lives are made in the moments.
They change us, grow us, make us who we are, and they happen all the time. Welcome to our moments.....

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Need Valet

Today it was pouring rain, and I had to go work at the gym. I am sure you can picture it: me walking to the car, carrying Russell, a diaper bag, and an enormous golf umbrella. At the same time, Quint was walking at my feet trying to hold the end of umbrella, which required me to hunch over....it was not pretty! As I drove in the lovely Iowa weather, I anticipated making it through the parking lot with the same load, and thought....I need valet. Especially with winter and negative temperatures looming, I really need valet.

I my earlier life (pre-babies) I would go to the mall or restaurant and see signs for valet and think: how ridiculous. Can't people just park there own car? Well my thinking has changed. I would love for someone to open my door for me, hold the umbrella and help me with my load of bags and babies into any place we need to go. Then drive my car and park it in some distant lot and brave the weather for me. Then, we could wait in the building all warm and cozy, as the same person, ran to get the car, warmed it up and help us load the bags and babies with minimal exposure to the elements of the day.

Ahhh....to dream.

Just then I snapped back to reality as I pulled into the parking lot, and I realized my windshield wipers were on high. This should be pleasant:) Unlike my daydream, there was no valet. So, I parked in a distant spot, unloaded my bags and babies, tried to corral Quint under the umbrella as I tried to lock the car, attempted not to drop Russell, and hold the diaper bag.

Where is my valet?!?

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