Everyday has a Moment.....

A moment is defined as a particular period of importance, influence, or significance. Our lives are made in the moments.
They change us, grow us, make us who we are, and they happen all the time. Welcome to our moments.....

Sunday, July 19, 2009


My moment: Sitting in the cell phone lot at the airport, eagerly awaiting BK's call.

9:32 PM

Phone rings, BK is off the plane, but he has checked luggage so he will call when he has it.

More waiting........and waiting........

(just an aside: cell phone lots are funny people watching...I was observing the random lady next to me...why does she have that kind of car? Interesting hair.....is she texting? The old people in the Buick were funny too)

But the people watching could only keep me entertained for so long, BK was in that building waiting by the luggage carousal, and I have not seen him for 27 days!

9:44 PM

I call, can't wait anymore! But, no answer!

9:54 PM

I can't wait anymore, I decide to circle the airport, hoping he will call soon!

9:56 PM

He calls! He's ready!

I circle around the arrival pick up area, and I see him.
He is in uniform, holding a few bags, and waving to me!
He looks little different, a little less hair, a little more tan.
But, same big smile, same lanky arm wave, same big warm hug.

My match is back!

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