Everyday has a Moment.....

A moment is defined as a particular period of importance, influence, or significance. Our lives are made in the moments.
They change us, grow us, make us who we are, and they happen all the time. Welcome to our moments.....

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thank you cute man in the VFW hat.

Snapshot: at the grocery store, pushing the huge cart (with the driving car on the front) piled with groceries, Russell in the jump seat slobbering on an apple, Quint driving the car and making a lot of car sounds. Despite my efforts to look like super momma, I am sure I look more like a huge mess.
Coming toward me are a few older men wearing their VFW hats. They are totally cute, and one in particular gives me a huge smile. He smiles and winks at me and says hello to the boys. He says "you are a busy one". I give him a grateful smile and just say "yes". His vibe was appreciative, caring, and supportive of my life stage.
It is interesting the responses you get from people being a full time mom of two little ones close in age. But, I routinely run into older men and women who affirm me, build me up, and encourage me. When I am pulling my hair out, trying my best to be a good mom and actually get some groceries, a little encouragement goes a long way.

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