Everyday has a Moment.....

A moment is defined as a particular period of importance, influence, or significance. Our lives are made in the moments.
They change us, grow us, make us who we are, and they happen all the time. Welcome to our moments.....

Monday, June 27, 2011

We should call the police

Its our anniversary.
7 YEARS!!!
Its Awesome....

But, even on special days, Daddy has to work and we need groceries.
The boys and I packed it up to the grocery store and I thought we would buy something special for dinner.
We went to the store with the driving carts, hoping that would make it a smoother trip.
Unfortunately, they were all taken.

So we roughed it in a normal cart, and I tried to go very fast.
All the sudden we saw this woman pushing a driving cart (if you don't know these are clearly for kids)
and she had no children with her!
She had some of her groceries in the car part.....

I was thinking of many choice words for this woman who I felt had literally stolen some of my sanity,
when Quint noticed the same woman.
He said "mom, she doesnt have any kids with her"
I acknowledged.....I said "that is a bummer, I think those carts are for kids"
He said "we should call the police!"

I whole-heartedly agreed, but tried to down play it to him....
its ok we will find another one.....
but on the inside I was wishing there were grocery police for such an offense:)

We did eventually find a good cart, the boys drove while we found some bacon on sale that we knew Daddy would love....
home for bacon-cheeseburgers and sweet corn.....

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