Everyday has a Moment.....

A moment is defined as a particular period of importance, influence, or significance. Our lives are made in the moments.
They change us, grow us, make us who we are, and they happen all the time. Welcome to our moments.....

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Being a Dad is so cool

My moment today came from something BK said that was so fantastic. Sitting on the couch during nap time on Sunday BK said "I never thought being a Dad would be this cool". His comment made me so happy and caused me to pause. When you get married, you are in love, and excited to share your life together, but some things are unknown. BK loving fatherhood is a huge bonus! I knew he wanted children, but his genuine love of spending time with Quint and Russell is beyond what I ever expected. When BK said that: it was my moment.

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