Everyday has a Moment.....

A moment is defined as a particular period of importance, influence, or significance. Our lives are made in the moments.
They change us, grow us, make us who we are, and they happen all the time. Welcome to our moments.....

Monday, January 2, 2012

Our little klepto

Mom and Bec took the big boys to the store. When we unpacked the groceries we found nutter butters...
Who chose these? We quickly eliminated the adults, then turned to the boys...
Russell quickly admitted it was him.. He was a so cute about it we found it tough to be mad:)
In retrospect we should have known, b/c of the incident earlier this week.
Q and R were in the driving cart at the store and we were checking out when Russell held up a snickers to me in the most innocent way:) I said no, but could see he was hiding something.... Then we found it....
A stash of candy bars maybe 15 hidden in his driving seat!
I didn't even see him reach for the candy:) note to self...keep an extra eye on that one {wink, wink}

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