Everyday has a Moment.....

A moment is defined as a particular period of importance, influence, or significance. Our lives are made in the moments.
They change us, grow us, make us who we are, and they happen all the time. Welcome to our moments.....

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Gift

In June, BK and I celebrated 5 years. He was in Texas for National Guard training. We didn't really celebrate. It was my dream to get-away for a day or two but it seemed impossible. We have two babies. We live in Iowa hundreds of miles from family who could help out. That is a bit of background on why it was such an amazing gift.
The Gift:
Two days staying in Rebecca's apartment in Manhattan. While Grammy, Papa, Aunt Rebecca, and Uncle Dave were our awesome baby watchers at Grammy and Papa's house.
We slept in, road the subway, sat in the coffee shop for hours, walked around the magnificant city, drank martinis, looked at the lights, and were blissful.
At one point we were walking around enjoying eachother I looked over at BK and just thought "my hubby is so dreamy."
I am so grateful that I met him and convinced him to marry me:)
Looking back we were young. Looking back we were very niave. Looking back it took a lot of growing pains to get to this point. Looking back I would not change our path. Looking back I would still run to the alter (probably faster).
Thank you Grammy, Papa, Aunt Rebecca, and Uncle Dave for your tremendous gift. Extra special shout out to Rebecca for loaning us her fabulous apartment in her magnificant city.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

"My ear tube is falling out".....are you kidding me!

Since we got to Grammy's, Quint does not want to go to bed. He comes out every few minutes with a different reason for why he can't go to bed. We just put him back, but sometimes his reasons are so creative we can't help but be impressed.
Tonight my favorite was: "my ear tube is falling out"
(he has tubes, and they are still in....so it was possible)
But seriously, how does he think of these things.
I know I probably need to be firmer, but it is tough when we are out of our environment.
Anyways, I would love some advice if anyone knows how to get children to bed when they are so excited about new people, new presents, new exciting place.

Wish me luck tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mom and Dad or members of a covert ops team?

The boys are having a hard time getting to sleep. Life at Grammy and Papa's is just too exciting:) That being said, they still need to go to sleep! Tonight, I was laying with Quint and Russell was began crying in his crib. BK came up to help, and he took over with Quint. I headed over to see how Russell was doing, and just as I turned the corner I saw Russell lay down and was quiet. I immediately hit the deck, worried if he saw me he would start wailing again. As I laid on the carpet next to Russell's crib:
I wondered...
Am i the only parent who throws themselves on the floor to avoid waking a baby?
I examined...
the comfort of the carpet...a little prickly but overall very comfy for laying on
I listened...
to Russell wiggle around to get settled in bed
I prayed...
thank you God for such fabulous babies, for a warm home to visit for Christmas, for a hands on hubby who jumps in to help in these situations...
JUST THEN...BK walked around the corner....
I signaled "GET DOWN!"
He fell to the floor too, and army crawled over to me. We laid there together listening to the boys breathing, giggling about our situation. We evaluated their sleep status, and when the time was right, we army crawled out with success. Although, BK tells me my army crawl form is poor and my booty would get shot in a real war. HAHA. Good thing it works for crawling out of babies rooms...because bedtime is the only battle I see in my near future:)

Sunday, December 20, 2009


The moment today: walking through the door at Mom and Dad's house. It was warm, with the glow of the big Christmas tree, and the smell of tasty food. An amazing feeling of relief and calm after a crazy day of Christmas travel.
After: Driving from Iowa to Chicago....
Parking in a slightly shady parking lot
Riding in a shuttle bus
Moving three huge suitcases, two car seats, two backpacks, and two boys to the baggage check line (which was way too long!)
Through security with the babies and dodging a stray cat! (southwest allows cats on board now....not a great idea in my opinion)
Peanut Butter and Jelly on the floor of the airport waiting at our gate
Finding a seat (southwest)
1 hour and 1/2 on the plane
Gather luggage fit it in Dad's car.....plus all five of us:)
1 hour car ride from Buffalo
Finally at 6 PM we arrived.....

Traveling with little ones is not the best but arriving to see loved ones during the holidays makes you quickly forget all the drama.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Help! I need a wooden diesel 10!

You hear about those parents madly running around in search of the desired gift for their children. I always thought that is ridiculous. Well, as I did my online shopping I realized everywhere online was out of diesel 10. This is the only thing Quint asked for this Christmas. If you are wondering, it is a specific train engine for his Thomas the Train wooden set. So, feeling frantic, I looked to see if it was in stock at the local stores. Well, one did, so I drove the 1/2 hour to this store to get it, just to find they had just sold out. Therefore, I am still frantically looking for this treasured gift. I never anticipated becoming this mom, but it is amazing how the possible heartbreak of your 3 year old can motivate you!
If you see a crazy shopping parent this holiday season, cut them a break, they are just trying to make it a super special Christmas morning:)

And, if you see a diesel 10 somewhere call me!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Where do you shop?

I always find it interesting where a person loves to shop or dreams to shop. In a weird way it is quick insight to a piece of them. I am currently searching for a snowsuit and I came across one from Hanna Andersson. The main webpage has a picture of a very cute family in matching long johns...and it got me thinking...what type of person loves Hanna Andersson? Whose husband loves to wear family matching long johns?
Please let me know who you know who loves this store:)
here is the website if you want to check it out!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

As I peered through the locked car door window...

There it was, the red diaper bag. My mom and sister got it for me before Quint was born. It has my initials on it. It is not to big, not to small and it hangs on the stroller handle perfectly. Not only was it my perfect diaper bag in the locked car, but a perfect diaper bag full of all the essentials, including my cell phone, wallet, and KEYS.
How did this happen?
Well, I was eager to get the boys out of the house, so we went to the mall. I figured the people watching would be great (christmas shoppers), and at Target we could get milk and some other needs that we have neglected to get because of the blizzard. But, as I approached the mall I realized this may have been a crazy decision. It was a zoo. I haven't had to stalk someone for a parking spot since I moved to Iowa, but we did and I found a spot!
I grabbed the stroller, put Russell in the stroller, got Quint out of the car seat and then in my eagerness to get out of the cold I hit lock. I went back to the stroller with Quint and realized...oh where is the diaper bag? It is not hanging perfectly on the stroller...oh no......and
I realized I have no keys, no money, no phone, no baby gear, and very few phone numbers memorized in my head (stupid cell phone!).
I remained calm. We went in the mall to look at Thomas the Train so I could think. I needed to be independent, I can do this. The positive self-talk rolled through my head. I found a nice mall worker and they called security who called the police. Since it was the busiest I had ever seen the mall it took them nearly an hour to get to us, but I was so grateful to see the police drive up! (how often do you say that?)
I was inside with the boys trying to stay warm. I ran outside so he wouldn't leave. Pushing the stroller, Russell's coat only half on, carrying Quint and his boots which fell off. I looked ridiculous. He giggled, at me as I approached the car. He was so helpful and opened the door in 3 minutes.
Seriously, if it is that easy to break into my car why do I lock it in the first place?
The boys were such big helpers, no meltdowns over a lack of snacks, patiently waiting by the window for the policeman, understanding when we couldn't play Thomas very long. We climbed in the car, and I was so glad to have my red diaper bag back.
We went home. Without the milk.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I got a boo boo

Yesterday, Quint fell down. It was very minor from my viewpoint, but Quint insisted that he had a boo boo from the incident. He then he said "mommy, I need ice please". Seriously. I can't believe the things he understands and says to me. I handed him some frozen califlower and he proceeded to put it on his leg. About 5 minutes later, he handed me the califlower and said "boo boo all better".
He is such a big boy:)