There it was, the red diaper bag. My mom and sister got it for me before Quint was born. It has my initials on it. It is not to big, not to small and it hangs on the stroller handle perfectly. Not only was it my perfect diaper bag in the locked car, but a perfect diaper bag full of all the essentials, including my cell phone, wallet, and KEYS.
How did this happen?
Well, I was eager to get the boys out of the house, so we went to the mall. I figured the people watching would be great (christmas shoppers), and at Target we could get milk and some other needs that we have neglected to get because of the blizzard. But, as I approached the mall I realized this may have been a crazy decision. It was a zoo. I haven't had to stalk someone for a parking spot since I moved to Iowa, but we did and I found a spot!
I grabbed the stroller, put Russell in the stroller, got Quint out of the car seat and then in my eagerness to get out of the cold I hit lock. I went back to the stroller with Quint and realized...oh where is the diaper bag? It is not hanging perfectly on the stroller...oh no......and
I realized I have no keys, no money, no phone, no baby gear, and very few phone numbers memorized in my head (stupid cell phone!).
I remained calm. We went in the mall to look at Thomas the Train so I could think. I needed to be independent, I can do this. The positive self-talk rolled through my head. I found a nice mall worker and they called security who called the police. Since it was the busiest I had ever seen the mall it took them nearly an hour to get to us, but I was so grateful to see the police drive up! (how often do you say that?)
I was inside with the boys trying to stay warm. I ran outside so he wouldn't leave. Pushing the stroller, Russell's coat only half on, carrying Quint and his boots which fell off. I looked ridiculous. He giggled, at me as I approached the car. He was so helpful and opened the door in 3 minutes.
Seriously, if it is that easy to break into my car why do I lock it in the first place?
The boys were such big helpers, no meltdowns over a lack of snacks, patiently waiting by the window for the policeman, understanding when we couldn't play Thomas very long. We climbed in the car, and I was so glad to have my red diaper bag back.
We went home. Without the milk.