Everyday has a Moment.....

A moment is defined as a particular period of importance, influence, or significance. Our lives are made in the moments.
They change us, grow us, make us who we are, and they happen all the time. Welcome to our moments.....

Monday, March 22, 2010

Need to be more type A

It is one of my goals to be more type A. I know the type A people do have their own issues but they are so on task and efficient. The only times in my life when I have even come close to being a type A person I had a very strict schedule, distinct goals, and only me to worry about. I am working on what this would look like in my current life stage which does not lend itself to efficiency or a strict schedule.
This will be an on going battle for me since I don't know what type I am but it is far from "A". As I define how this looks I will try to keep you updated. A type A person would definitely follow through on that statement so we will see how I do:)

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