Everyday has a Moment.....

A moment is defined as a particular period of importance, influence, or significance. Our lives are made in the moments.
They change us, grow us, make us who we are, and they happen all the time. Welcome to our moments.....

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Missing one...

Today was the first day of preschool. It was a big day around here to put it lightly. I was trying to take it all in because people tell me this time in life goes too fast. But, what really stuck out to me was after Russell and I left preschool. I strapped him in his car seat and got in the car to go. Russell yelled from the back

"Quint!" "Mommy, Quint!"

I was surprised for a moment but then I realized they go nearly everywhere together. Even when I do drop them off somewhere for a class, we always leave together. I told Russell we would be back to pick Quint up in a few hours and he he said:


I reassured him, and he was awesome.

When we returned to pick Quint up we had to wait till class was over.
Russell kept trying to open the door. He was excited to regain his buddy.

They are bonded.
It was an awesome realization.


Derricca said...

How awesome! :) I thought about you and wondered if he had started preschool today. Neat.

By the way, the invite is still open to come visit anytime. :)

Anonymous said...

This made me cry and almost ready to have another one so that Simeon has someone to go everywhere with.