Everyday has a Moment.....

A moment is defined as a particular period of importance, influence, or significance. Our lives are made in the moments.
They change us, grow us, make us who we are, and they happen all the time. Welcome to our moments.....

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sometimes two cars would be nice:)

I should just preface this with Quint threw up yesterday before school.
He has been down ever since.
Rhett was up last night for an hour with a fever
I did night shift so my jazzy hubby did first shift (I heart him)
When I got up, Q was downing a bagel with jelly, and I was panicked/relieved....he must be better...right?
Till he threw up.

BK needed a ride to the airport 2 hours round trip.
Not ideal but suck it up we have one car:)
Brought a bucket for Q and a movie (thank God) and crossed our fingers.
On the ride.....
BK and I were able to laugh about how crazy this time is, 
but even though we didn't say it, I think we realize we will miss it.
We also dreamed about getting another car.....
One car can be challenging , but it is really hard to justify two.
So we will stick with Lexi, and caravaning trips to the airport for interview season:)

BK looked so jazzy with his suit carrier bag.....it seems so grown-up.....so not us....
but we have to play the game.

I was so glad to pull in the garage without my car stained with throw up:)
Back home, we hunkered down, it was a sick day.

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