Everyday has a Moment.....

A moment is defined as a particular period of importance, influence, or significance. Our lives are made in the moments.
They change us, grow us, make us who we are, and they happen all the time. Welcome to our moments.....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Am I like Sarah Winchester?

Today it occurred to me....am I like Sarah Winchester? Are most people?
I love to rearrange...and I kinda like moving.....
The change, a fresh start with a new arrangement or new home just invigorate me. I almost always say "this is the best arrangement ever", just to change it in a few weeks or if its really good a few months.

I lived in San Jose CA for quite a few years and it is the home of the Winchester Mystery House. This slightly crazy woman who was left a fortune by her husband of (Winchester Rifles) thought the ghosts would only be happy if there was construction going on at the mansion, therefore it was under-construction for 38 years until her death.

Now, I DO NOT rearrange to appease ghosts but I love the change, maybe Sarah Winchester did too. I am sure it is some form of OCD behavior, but oh well. But, one thing I don't see changing is my love of rearranging. I have even been known to rearrange 9 months pregnant, it is not recommended, but I needed to change it!

I am in awe of people who I frequent their home year after year and the furniture never moves. We recently saw a slide show about my Granma, and their was picture in there of people in their living room from the late 1960's. I noticed that the person was sitting in a chair in the living room that they still had, and it was in the exact same spot! As a crazed re-arranger, I found this amazing. Really in 50 years there was no need to change it up? I thought more and realized that it was the case with most of the placement of furniture in my Grandparents home.
Well I guess rearranging or love of change can not be for everyone.

Unfortunately, I do think it drives BK a little nuts, because he says he can't find things. I swear I tell him the new locations but I guess it can be a lot to keep up with, so maybe I need to tone it down a bit.

The good news is I do not have my own home, or millions of dollars to spend rearranging a mansion, so for now it is just furniture. It is probably a good thing, because I wouldn't want my obsession to get out of hand:)

My question is you a little like Sarah Winchester or is it just me?

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