Everyday has a Moment.....

A moment is defined as a particular period of importance, influence, or significance. Our lives are made in the moments.
They change us, grow us, make us who we are, and they happen all the time. Welcome to our moments.....

Sunday, September 11, 2011

"Russell ask me to help"

Today we were driving home in the car and Russell wanted a drink. 
 I quickly chugged most of the water in the Nalgene (just in case he spilled) and tossed it to the back row.

 Russell grabbed it, but could not unscrew the top. 
 I see in my rear view mirror, Quint leaning over and then I hear him say, 
 "ask me Russell, I can open it for you". 

My initial reaction was, "how sweet of Quint to want to help"
 but then my mommy mind goes straight to worst case scenario.... 

As I watched Russell innocently hand over the only water left in the car....
I thought....
 "is Quint going to open it and then hijack the water?"

 I know I shouldn't think that way....
but a lot of my day is spent...
humm how do I say this.... 
managing brother relationships:) 

Well, it was out of my hands, 
I was probably already doing too much while driving on a country road....
I watched (with one eye) in the rear view mirror to see the events unfold
Quint worked hard to open it and....... 
drum roll...... 


To top it off.... 
Russell took a sip and shared the rest with Quint. 
Ahhh. A perfect brother moment. 
To make it even better, Rhett fell asleep in the car ride, so I asked Q and Russell to be secret spies and sneak upstairs 


Rhett transfered to to nap in the crib. 
 If I had to rate solo parent car rides this would be a 99:) 
( You always have to leave room for improvement)

Later that day.... 
there was a choke hold incident, and other altercations...... 
but this moment was perfect.

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