Everyday has a Moment.....

A moment is defined as a particular period of importance, influence, or significance. Our lives are made in the moments.
They change us, grow us, make us who we are, and they happen all the time. Welcome to our moments.....

Friday, September 16, 2011

Separation anxiety-worse for them or me?

We have been in school for a week and today I went to drop Quint off and he cried.
He was brave, but he got a bit teary as he sat in his desk.
I froze.
I didn't want to leave,
I just wanted to grab him and take him home.
The bell was about to ring, and I knew I had to get up and go....
I tried not to embarrass him, but I gave him a quick kiss and a small hug and I left.
My inclination was to linger by the door.
But, I knew I had to go....
They would call if they needed me.

I held my phone tight the whole morning, waiting for it to ring, so I could swoop in like super mom to save my baby....
but it didn't ring.

At pick up he was exhausted, but not sad.
They said he perked up and had a great day.


Tuesday was Quint's crying day, but Russell was fine when I dropped him.
Thursday Quint's drop went much better, but we got to Russell's school and he burst into tears in the classroom.
Where was this coming from I wondered.
I hugged him, didn't want to leave him, almost took him home too, but I know he can do it, and once I left he would love it.
I have read just rip off the bandaid, don't drag it out.
So, I hugged Russell and jumped up and left.
I lingered a bit, (more acceptable at preschool) but again I finally left.

It makes me sad to know I have to let them be independent.
They have to experience the world a little bit without me.
But, my moment was at the end of the week as I was thinking the separation anxiety through......

I realized.....
I am going to have a really hard time cutting the cord.
It is only preschool, I can not even imagine college.
Good thing I get to snuggle them, protect them, teach them, love them, for many years before that day.

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