Everyday has a Moment.....

A moment is defined as a particular period of importance, influence, or significance. Our lives are made in the moments.
They change us, grow us, make us who we are, and they happen all the time. Welcome to our moments.....

Saturday, February 19, 2011

to all the pretenders

to all the women
who work so hard to paint the mirage...
to make the picture

It took me a while...
I am on to you...

my veil has been lifted,
and I am sure it scares you.
I know your dirty little secret
what you have worked tirelessly to protect.

when the doors are closed,
and the van windows are up,

you occasionally lose it with you children,
your house is dirty,
you are not always infatuated with your husband.
you are not always perky...
you feed your children fast food (gasp)

Maybe it is just me,
but I have no desire to fake it.

If you want to be real,
share the down and dirty,
the great and the ugly of life,
I would love to be friends:)

But, if not....
know that I am on to you....
and it is not worth it.


Derricca said...

haha....awesome. the other day abigail ate animal cookies......for lunch.

i have been avoiding cleaning my nasty toilet....so glad you didnt use it the other day.its still not clean.

i havent been working out not because im too tired, but because im too lazy

i was so jealous of dustin the other day....i didnt have nice thoughts, in fact, for the moment i just didnt like him too much

ps....i like you. your cool.

Alicia_34 said...
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Alicia_34 said...

I don't try to feed my picky boy new foods much anymore!
He eats chicken nuggets & p.b.&j often!

I lose my temper when things don't go my way or the kids may inconvenience me and use a not so gentle voice.

I spend too much on Netflix some days because I just don't "feel" like cleaning

I don't spend "enough" time with my kids considering I am a stay at home mommy.

I really don't want to make a cooking supper mess most days even though we have to eat.

I love people who are open and honest and real! It's a breath of fresh air!

Alicia_34 said...

P.S. I am Derricca's sister :)